3 min read

⌚Hack time before it hacks you

Over Thanksgiving, I asked a few folks to go into their iPhones and have a look at how much time they spent on Tiktok. Turns out, they spent 12-15 hours per week.
⌚Hack time before it hacks you
iPhone Screen Time

Over Thanksgiving, I asked a few folks to go into their iPhones and have a look at how much time they spent on Tiktok.  I kind of knew the answer before asking, but the implications are horrifying.  Turns out, they spent 12-15 hours per week on the heavily entertaining, addictive Chinese-owned app.  Were they to do that weekly, that's 780 hours a year or 32.5 days, flicking through stuff.  Maybe it's funny stuff, maybe it's "informative" stuff, but let's be clear, it's stuff.

So these people are spending more than one month a year, ingesting Tiktok, that's the input.  What kind of outputs does that drive?

Benjamin Franklin famously designed his days. Newer self-help gurus like James Clear, Rob Dyrdek and Jesse Itzler (examples below) all have their own versions of this concept from habit tracking, and super-detailed time tracking to one big calendar.

Recently, I did an evaluation of my own time and realized I was sleeping too much. Yeah yeah, sleep is important and is all the rage, and I heavily encourage you all to know how much sleep you need to be effective.

For me, I just knew I could deal with 2 hours less sleep per day. So I started waking at 4am every day.  From 4am-6am, I wake up, follow a similar routine, and get my day rolling.  It's been an incredibly powerful time hack that's changed my outputs significantly.  

Have a listen to Kobe Bryant talk about that concept and how it enabled him to gain a compounding edge over his competition and take a look at the systems below.

This isn't about removing all the fun, laughter, downtime, or chill-out time (I do plenty of that), it's about making room for that amidst being good to yourself and your loved ones.  


Ben Franklin's daily schedule.

Note: I wanted to thank so many of you for reaching out last week.  It was a tough one, but having people reach out is just one of the amazing benefits of writing this consistently.

📻 Music

Ok, I'll admit it, I hear something in a song, and I'll listen to that song over and over. Sometimes can identify and articulate the hook that got me, sometimes, it's just the whole thing – some treats for the Trading Misbehavior playlist.

It's My House - 12" Remix - Diana Ross, Jimmy Simpson - We've had some beautiful times in our house the last few months from birthdays, holidays, and more.  In short, this week, it's my house.

Glass House - PawPaw Rod - PawPaw Rod is funky, soulful, and sounds like the guy next door.  

Choo Choo Gatagoto - Haruomi Hosono -  Japanese 12-bar blues.  Somehow the Japanese take things (yeah even the blues) and make them better. Groove on, brother.

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